After suffering a career ending injury and family tragedy Wrestling Champ Buck Severs travels to an abandoned wildlife preserve with his friends for Bros Weekend. They bee the targets of a deadly manhunt and Buck must find the warrior in himself to fight the psycho inbred mutant killer that stalks through the preserve.
发布时间:2024-05-22 09:5229.9美元的售价29日,招募再爆第二弹,片方释出一支急先锋行动小队队员艾伦的高燃;先锋精神花絮,一向在喜剧题材电影中深受观众喜爱的艾伦穿上军装,加入由成龙大哥率领的急先锋小队,守护世界华人安全,展开惊险刺激的跨国营救